Joy Keepers Network

As We Find Joy We Bring Peace And Oneness

Here's our "menu"

  • We meet on Zoom
  • We start with greetings and a nice chat
  • We connect in a guided Joy Meditation
  • We share experiences seated at small tables
    (~breakout rooms)
  • We bring it all together at our big round table
  • Open mingling with fellow Joy Keepers

The café will close after 1 hour and 15 minutes

We look forward to meeting you!

Welcome To 🍵☕
The Joy Meditation At The Joy Keepers Café

Wednesday February 26th

* 8 AM Los Angeles * 11 AM New York
* 4 PM London * 17:00 Copenhagen 

Reserve Your Seat 

I needed recharging, I had things I needed to sort out, but knowing that this group was coming gave me a sense of relief. Thank you so much because to be in a circle like this, and to feel so excited about what’s going to come because every time something magical happens… It's such a beautiful and important part of my life.
—Ornela Maric