How can the Joy Keepers Network help our world?

“To spread light where there is only light, or pretend that there is only light because the darkness is too hard to handle, might be a step on the path of one’s personal development; but it is not the spiritual journey.

There is no serious spiritual or religious path that gives any of us a pass on addressing the suffering of other sentient beings. There’s nothing “positive” about not addressing a problem simply because it’s not happening in your neighborhood.

Our task is to look at the darkness but then see through it and beyond it, thus invoking the endless possibilities for miracles that exist within God’s universe. We are not here to ignore the illusion, but to transform it. The miracle worker does not deny a problem, but merely denies its power over us. Spiritual seekers should not be children standing on the sidelines; we should be the biggest grownups in the room.”  ~  Marianne Williamson

These words hit right where my thoughts are going each morning these days.

Because, it is in the morning that I check the news headlines. And recently they have become so disturbing, that I have to ask myself: “What can I do about all this”? Because… Well, Marianne Williamson says it perfectly above.

When I contemplate it what I get is that the Joy Keepers Network has an important role to play during these difficult times. For real and for several reasons.

One of these reasons is that for us to be able to cope with such huge challenges we need to be in touch with the Joy energy. For us to continue the positive work that is needed in the world Joy is essential. For us to continue replenishing and re-balancing our energies, from every cell in our bodies to every cell in the living organism that we call our Earth, Joy is essential.

Also, Joy brings us closer to Oneness. And it takes a global Oneness awareness to create the changes that are urgent and absolutely necessary for life on Earth to survive.

It comes down to a few simple facts (now even scientifically proven, should we need that reassurance):

  • People who believe in Oneness are more kind towards other living beings
  • People who believe in Oneness are more compassionate
  • People who believe in Oneness have greater capacity for collaboration and for creating the solutions that the world needs now.

Yes, we as Joy Keepers have a role to play, along with the 2+ millions of others conscious networks along the globe.

But what will it take for us to actually make a difference? That’s the next, very challenging question that I’m asking myself these days. And in that context it is very helpful for me – and hopefully meaningful for you too – to get a little bit of a perspective:

The perspective is that, even if it was born out of my life-long spiritual and personal exploration, the calling to create  the Joy Keepers Network as such came to me very recently – in the Spring of 2017.  I acted on it the best I could and so by the end of 2017 there were some 50+ official Joy Keepers here. Now, 1 year later, our numbers have tripled to 150+!

How grateful I am for each and everyone of you, for your presence, for you reading these words and for your participation in our Global Joy Meditations and webinars. And how I appreciate the support from our Joy Angels. Thank you!

I am also very much aware that this is just a tiny beginning. For us to actually make a difference globally, we need to grow by leaps and bounds, sooner rather than later.

How can that happen?

I have some ideas. But we need your help for these ideas to come into fruition. So I’m listing them below, and I invite you to ponder each of them and see how you can help. Please know that any help is welcome and appreciated, no matter how big or small!

  • Help me connect with other joyful leaders (or just relevant transformational leaders) out there, so that we can collaborate. Let me know who you think I should connect with.
  • Support Joy Keepers Network financially. It will enable us to cover our expenses as well as advertise and with that gain more visibility and more members. Also, if you can connect me with people/organizations that have the capacity to support us financially that would be wonderful!
  • Help me build Joy Resources for Joy Keepers. The Finding Joy Ebook is one such resource and there are also my webinars. In the future I would like the Joy Keepers Network to offer a variety of resources from different teachers/leaders/mentors. If you have resources that you would include in our official library (which I will be creating) then reach out to me.
  • Let me know what you would like to happen within the Joy Keepers Network. What are your needs? Would you like more regular Joy meditations? Any other activities? Specific resources?

You can contact me here anytime, and I’ll typically respond within 24 hours.

Thank you from all my joyful heart to yours!

With love

PS: Not a member yet? Join the Joy Keepers Network here. It’s free.

Dr. Andrea Pennington – Joy Angel and Lightworker Activator

Dr. Andrea Pennington is one of our Joy Angels, and has been tremendously supportive of the Joy Keepers Network from the very beginning (as in this interview where we talked about the initial inspiration for the network) and ever since.

Dr. Andrea is deeply dedicated to raising the level of consciousness and love on our planet, and does so every day, through her work and interactions. Her vision is to create a global impact not just directly but by activating and supporting Lightworkers in their work. This she does in a variety of ways (she is a truly multi-dimensional and multi-passionate human being):

Real Self Love

Dr. Andrea founded the Real Self Love Movement and wrote the book “I Love You, Me” to support people all over the world in building an authentic, lasting love relationship with Self.

Real Self Love Days In Copenhagen June 2018 

Collaborative book projects and publishing

While being the best-selling author of several books, Dr. Andrea also supports others in bringing their message to the world, through her publishing company Make Your Mark Global.

Currently, Dr. Andrea offers two ways for Lightworkers to share their stories with a global audience:

Miracles and Manifesting

Life ReWritten: Life After Love, Sex & Relationship Trauma

Making A Global Impact

Dr. Andrea also helps Lightworkers share their message and make the impact in the world that they are meant to make by offering Branding Workshops and mentorship to conscious entreprenuers.

Branding Workshops In Copenhagen June 2018

Explore and connect

There is much more to Dr. Andrea’s work.  Get inspired and find plenty of free resources here!

Also be sure to connect with Dr. Andrea on Facebook!

Leading a Global Joy Meditation

Dr. Andrea graciously led the June 2018 Global Meditation. The meditation was based on the Attunement Meditation Process

Dr. Andrea also expressed the following:

“So many of us have been touched or inspired to change the way we work and to change the way we live.  We really want to create a global change in consciousness  and the vibration of love and joy.

As all of us learn how to raise that vibration we can start to transmit it even without saying a word to anyone.

We may never know whose day we brightened, we’re just sending that ripple, that is raising their vibration. We don’t need to be thanked but we remain thankful for the things that keep flowing into our lives, and that’s what keeps it going and flowing.

No matter what, there is always someone on this planet that is practicing this type of healing / prayer which means there is always a cloud of it somewhere and you can tap into it when you need it.

Know that Halina and I in our own various ways and practices, we are always beaming joy and love, protection and goodness, to each and everyone of you. So if you’re ever feeling low, just remember you can tap in to that.”

To continue this joyful process – yours and humanity’s – join the Joy Keepers Network here.