How do we create new ways for joy?

I had a couple of beautiful experiences this week that reminded me of something very important, when it comes to spreading the awareness of joy in the world.

The first one happened in a dream! I dreamed about a doctor who taught yoga to Palestinian women here in Denmark. She and they were so full of joy! And it made me ponder:

How do we share the joy and the wisdom that our world needs beyond our own circles?

How do we reach those who perhaps wouldn’t respond to our inspirational words but are in need of the message behind the words?

These are important questions and a huge part of the Joy Keepers Network vision. If you have any answers, experiences, ideas please share them in a comment below!

It can be really simple sometimes, like the other day, on a bus. I was reading a (serious) book, and really not paying attention to my surroundings… Until someone accidentally pushed me from behind. My gut reaction: mild irritation. But then…

The person behind me came in front of me, and he had the sweetest and biggest smile ever as he apologizes (without being apologetic). Within a blink of an eye his smile resonated in me and I was finding myself so full of joy! And secretly laughing at myself having been in such a head space while reading…

It was as if the entire bus lightened up! And then this middle aged man (who based on his looks might be classified as mentally slow) hopped off the bus, still smiling and happily waving to the driver (us mentally fast people rarely do that…).

The world is full of natural Joy Keepers! And when we forget to be one, no worries, someone else will be there to remind us!

Meanwhile, the Joy Keepers Network is here to welcome, remind you and show you ever new and more expansive ways of experiencing and sharing your true joy!

Legacy – the secret to joyful work?

Legacy seems like such a heavy concept. And yet, it could be one of the keys to truly working with joy:

Here’s how you can apply this as a way of aligning your work, time and energy with your dharma. And then feel the joy of it!

Contemplate your legacy

This first part is a contemplation. Even if it took just a moment for me, it might take much longer for you, because you’re in a different process or have different needs and ways. So, take whatever time it you need and

Acknowledge that you matter. Acknowledge that your gifts to the world matter. Acknowledge that you don’t have forever to give them. And then ask yourself:

What is my legacy? What am I to leave behind when my work is done?

Align your priorities around your legacy work

Even if you have several projects, in the light of legacy most if not all of them may connect to it. Create your priorities around it, giving most time, focus and energy to your legacy project and aligning and prioritizing other projects/activities around it.

Do your work with joy!

It will probably come naturally, but still: remember that the key to joyful work is in being fully present in the moment. It is about being while doing.

Share your experiences and questions here or in the Joy Keepers Group!

And of course, if you haven’t yet, be part of the joyful work and join the Joy Keepers Network here

Legacy joy

Image by Gerhard Gellinger from Pixabay