Do you believe that nature brings you joy? I’m asking because it certainly feels like it does. But it’s not quite true.
It is really important (and I’ll explain why in a second) to understand that nature is not the source of our joy. We are. Our joy lives within us.
Now, don’t get me wrong. There are few things in life that I cherish as much as nature. Spending time in nature every day is a high priority for me. And still, as much as it inspires and enriches and nourishes me, I know that nature is not the ultimate source of my joy.
So how come it feels like it is?
I think it’s because when we’re in nature we get in touch with our own nature. We relax and connect with ourselves, more. And when we do, our inner joy begins to flow more as well.
Even if it can be easier to find our joy when we’re in nature, the source of our joy is within us, not out there. And we can find it no matter where we are.
Knowing it can make a huge difference in our lives!
Because we all encounter hard times along the way, and especially now. Our world encounters one of its greatest crisis ever.
What if we could move through all this with a sense of joy, hope and peace?
We can! Yes, it takes inner work and practice and yes, it is absolutely possible.
But for as long as we believe that we can only find joy when we’re in nature, or when we’re with our loved ones, or when we’re having a good time, we are denying ourselves the gift of joy when we need it the most, when we can’t be around nature or the people we love. Unfortunately, this is the reality for thousands if not millions of people in this very moment.
Changing that reality starts with ourselves. So let’s practice joy, so that we can find it when we need it. And then help more people find it as well, when they need it. Because everyone does.
Find out how to find more of your joy here
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay