Bringing Joy to money and politics?

Lynne Twist, co-founder of the PachaMama Alliance said something during the holidays that made a deep impression on me…

“The next decade is maybe the most important decade in the history of the world. 2020-2030 is where we absolutely got to turn around the global warming crisis, where we absolutely have to address the breakdown in governments and social justice. How are we going to end 2019 in a way that we move into 2020 with integrity and heart?”

Michael Beckwith, founder of Agape says: “We feel Joy when we are in integrity with our soul.”  I resonate completely with that experience, and I believe that at this time of our personal and global transformation, bringing soul Joy into ALL areas of our life is key.

And, it presents us with some unpleasant challenges…

Marianne Williamson, author of A Return to Love”and presidential candidate said recently something along these lines: We as light-workers, as people on a spiritual path, have already created great changes in the world. In fact, whatever area we as a group chose to engage in, is changing as a result!

Take health, take relationships, take business, take environment… Even if there’s way to go still, so much progress has happened, there is so much more awareness, including in the main stream culture.

What Marianne Williamson then said was that there are some areas of life that have been so corrupted, so permeated by greed, power-games and disconnection from God that our natural reaction as spiritual beings was to turn our back on it all, to avoid it completely. And as a result there are areas of life where, globally speaking, little change has happened.

To give you a couple of examples,  politics is one such area. We prefer to avoid watching news. Finances is another such area. We avoid engaging much with money. We don’t find much joy there and for good reasons! However…

There is now a need (and I see more and more spiritual leaders and teachers around the world express this)…There is a need for us to engage in all of it. In other words, the time has come to bring light, love and joy to all of it, not just some of it.

Of course, we will all do it differently, it’s a personal choice.

Personally, I can’t really see myself engage in politics. But maybe it will change at some point? Perhaps there comes a time where the Joy Keepers Network begins to interact with politicians? Who knows… But when it comes to creating a joyful relationship with money, that’s something that I actually have been interested in for a long time and feel called to.

How do you feel about all this?

7 Days of Joy ~ the 2020 Joy Upgrade

I believe it’s time for a Joy Upgrade! Here’s why…

And here’s how!

Thank you for watching and please, share the joy by inviting your friends and followers to ! 🙏😊💗

Let’s build a beautiful Joy field together!

Please know, whether you come because you miss joy in your life or have much joy to share or anything in between… You and everyone is welcome and joyfully appreciated!

Also, even if it’s 7 days it’s not all day 😀 – it’s just 30 sweet minutes. It’s absolutely best if you participate life but if for some reason you’re not able, there will be a replay.

Be sure to register, so that we can send you:

  • The details on how to participate
  • The replays
  • Resources for deepening the experience of Joy in your life


How do we create new ways for joy?

I had a couple of beautiful experiences this week that reminded me of something very important, when it comes to spreading the awareness of joy in the world.

The first one happened in a dream! I dreamed about a doctor who taught yoga to Palestinian women here in Denmark. She and they were so full of joy! And it made me ponder:

How do we share the joy and the wisdom that our world needs beyond our own circles?

How do we reach those who perhaps wouldn’t respond to our inspirational words but are in need of the message behind the words?

These are important questions and a huge part of the Joy Keepers Network vision. If you have any answers, experiences, ideas please share them in a comment below!

It can be really simple sometimes, like the other day, on a bus. I was reading a (serious) book, and really not paying attention to my surroundings… Until someone accidentally pushed me from behind. My gut reaction: mild irritation. But then…

The person behind me came in front of me, and he had the sweetest and biggest smile ever as he apologizes (without being apologetic). Within a blink of an eye his smile resonated in me and I was finding myself so full of joy! And secretly laughing at myself having been in such a head space while reading…

It was as if the entire bus lightened up! And then this middle aged man (who based on his looks might be classified as mentally slow) hopped off the bus, still smiling and happily waving to the driver (us mentally fast people rarely do that…).

The world is full of natural Joy Keepers! And when we forget to be one, no worries, someone else will be there to remind us!

Meanwhile, the Joy Keepers Network is here to welcome, remind you and show you ever new and more expansive ways of experiencing and sharing your true joy!